Published By: Penguin Random House | Recommended Age: 10+ years
Written By: Mamta Nainy
This book is a lesson in history through art. It starts off with the ancient cave paintings of Bhimbetka and answers questions related to the artwork found there. It talks about the natural colours that were used, the kind of feathers, sticks and animal hair that were utilised as brushes and about the favourite subjects of the artists—boars, elephants and monkeys, to name a few. Each chapter leaves the reader with something to think about; for example, in this chapter, the writer questions why the paintings were made. Each chapter also ends with an activity. The other chapters in the book cover topics like what the Buddha looked like, the Ajanta Caves, the Kailasanatha Temple that was built top to bottom, the Pithora paintings that were used as maps and a lot more.
Published By: Penguin Random House | www.penguin.co.in Recommended Age: 10+ years
Price: ₹199
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