Animals often suffer as a result of human activities and are unable to voice their troubles or defend themselves. But one must remember that although animals cannot talk, they feel pain just like humans do. SCARLETT RODRIGUES asked a few RobinAgers what animals would tell us if they could speak. Here’s what they had to say.
Gargi Kulkarni
Class 10, Podar International School, Pune
If animals could speak, they would raise their voice and express their dismay against humans. They would ask humans to free them from the unnatural confinements they are forcefully kept in. They would claim that humans rob them of their freedom in the name of protection. Their love for wandering in vast, natural territories and hunting prey is replaced by the hostile silence of fenced enclosures. Also, aquatic creatures would protest against the amount of garbage dumped in the oceans every day. Animals would ask us to stop causing them harm intentionally and unintentionally. They would ask us to restrict activities such as lighting firecrackers and cutting down forests.
Aarush Thariani
Class 7, Arya Vidya Mandir, Mumbai
If animals could talk, they would tell us about the problems they face due to pollution, littering and deforestation. If animals such as rats and aquatic creatures could speak, they would say, “We have been tortured a lot by people as they are taking us as pets and trapping us in small bowls and pools. We want to be free!” Turtles would say, “The trash and the garbage in the oceans confuse us and we often mistake them for food. We choke on plastic and other materials.” The land animals would say, “We want our population to grow and we want to live a peaceful life. We want humans to stop killing rare animals as many animals will soon become extinct.” If I could talk to animals, I would console them by telling them that I understand them. I would tell them that humans are trying to raise awareness about environmental problems and would ensure them that I would do whatever is in my control to protect the environment.
Parv Jobanputra
Class 5, DG Khetan International School, Mumbai
If animals could speak, they would ask humans to act more responsibly and stop being insensitive. They would express their pain to humans and explain the impact of our actions on them. Marine creatures would ask us to prevent oil spills, which affect their body and health. Land animals would plead with us to stop ruining their habitats and disposing of garbage carelessly. Birds that make their nests in trees would ask us to stop cutting trees and prevent forest fires. They would also ask us to be careful while flying aeroplanes to prevent bird strikes.
Manan Oza
Class 5, Rustomjee Cambridge International School, Mumbai
If animals could voice their feelings, they would ask us to stop treating them like non-living things. They would ask us to be more compassionate towards them and help them in small ways. They would ask us to stop bursting crackers for festivals as it not only pollutes the environment, but also scares them. Birds would ask us to be careful while flying kites as they often get entangled in the thread used to fly kites. This seriously injures and even kills them. Animals such as polar bears and seals would ask us to control global warming as the melting ice is a threat to their survival.
Aarohi Khambra
Class 4, Delhi World Public School, Rajkot
If animals could speak, they would ask for help to find food and care, or simply express their needs and emotions like fear. Animals such as stray dogs and puppies would say, “We are unwell. We are also hungry because we cannot find any food. Can you help us?” If I could communicate with these animals, I would assure them that I would help them. I would bathe them, give them food and water and pick out collars for them. I would also convince them to live in an animal shelter. I would promise them that I would visit them in their new home.
Sasha Anirudh
Class 4, Orchids International School, Bengaluru
Animals that are endangered would say, “Protect us!” The Chinese pangolin would say, “We are the only mammals in the world that are completely covered in scales. We protect forests from termites and help the ecosystem to remain balanced. However, we are the most trafficked and poached mammal in the world. Humans believe that our scales have medicinal properties and are good luck charms, however, this is not proven. Humans have killed our parents, brothers and sisters just for their meat and scales. To make matters worse, forests, which are our homes, are being destroyed due to deforestation. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has listed us as critically endangered. We want to flourish and not disappear from Earth. Please do not kill us for our scales or flesh.”
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