Aadyaa Gahalaut, Class 11, SR International School, Bareilly
“It’s okay”, I think, in reality; I know it’s not
Too much to handle all at once, this wrecking myriad of thoughts.
Lost in the maze of tears flowing endlessly only in my mind,
The world seems to rush forward, whilst I seem to fall miserably behind.
Dreams feel hollow, my existence feels empty,
Pain feels excruciating, I’m just not okay, even if I seem to be.
It hurts beyond what words can ever express,
But that is inevitable in this life, I guess.
Darkness seems absolute right now, hope all gone,
Blood flows blue, as numbness takes over, I feel torn.
I desire just once; to feel love, happiness and faith in forever
And, and I promise, I’ll never take the same for granted, not then, not ever.
February, 2025