After a Storm Comes a Calm

Krisha Bang, Class 10, Hill Spring International School, Mumbai

2 steps forward, 1 step back
those words she said to me that night
I thought and thought and then
It came to me at the speed of light
How it’s not the canvas, but the dirty palette
That got me where I am today
Not my whole writing, but just
The torn scraps of paper, on the floor they lay
They say there’s a light at the end of a tunnel
But to see that I have to makes it across
How can I achieve the success I desire
Without struggling and experiencing some loss
Life is neither a straight line, nor set in stone
You have to enter the spiral to find your way out
Shying away from toil never helped no one
It’s worth it in the end, that goes without a doubt
The thundering rain always left me numb
Till the motley rainbow took the pain away
After a storm, comes a calm
It is true, I tell you; what everyone says.

March, 2024

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