Bio-pesticide from Fungi 

Researchers have identified pathogenic fungi that can be used to create a bio-pesticide capable of killing the eucalyptus snout beetle.

February 01, 2024  

Researchers have identified pathogenic fungi that can be used to create a bio-pesticide capable of killing the eucalyptus snout beetle. This beetle infests eucalyptus trees, impacting their growth, damaging their wood and causing severe defoliation. The current methods being used to control the pest are not very effective and efficient, hence scientists evaluated Beauveria pseudobassiana and Metarhizium brunneum, two pathogenic fungi that naturally infect and kill eucalyptus snout beetles. For their study, researchers collected these fungi from infected beetles in Colombia, where they naturally occur, and evaluated them based on different parameters. As these fungi are well-adapted to the environment in the region, they can be used to produce a bio-pesticide that tackles the eucalyptus snout beetle issue. 

Eucalyptus trees can grow to a height of over 300ft. 

Eucalyptus Snout Beetle | Image Source:
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