Aarna Bhalla, Class 8, Learning Paths School, Mohali
November, 2023
Choose to be a Hater
One fine Sunday morning, I visited the zoo,
I felt so blessed in the open blue.
There were some animals stuck and barred
Down in the cage their lives looked hard.
Far from rest we saw some sweet little birds,
The was sadness in their eyes cannot be expressed in words,
Despondent were their chirps but nobody heard,
“They treat us carelessly.”
There were some deer running anxiously, “We fear your presence for you kill us mercilessly.”
A rhino was seen behind trees and thorns,
His quiet eyes said “Will you kill me for my horns”.
“You’ll take away my tusks”, fearful trumpets of an elephant were heard
“You’ll make their artifacts and showpieces and sell them to the world”.
I could not see any tigers, for there were left none,They said poachers have killed them all one by one.
Just for the sake of our amusement
How can we be so cruel and insolent?
Look in their eyes, there is a spark of love,
Their faithfulness, their contribution is as pure as dove.
All they ask is for care and space to live in nature,
Earth is home to all and god is present in every creature.
Your humanity will take pride and so will your creator,
We can be their protectors but we choose to be a hater.