Across the world, people celebrate Christmas in honour of the birth of Jesus Christ. One of the most iconic symbols of Christmas is the beautifully adorned Christmas tree. The tradition of decorating Christmas trees has a rich and diverse history and its significance extends beyond mere decoration.
There is no exact date for the first Christmas tree being put up. Most historical references suggest that the tradition of decorating one’s home with an evergreen plant was practised even before it became a popular Christmas tradition. Many ancient communities, such as the Egyptians, Chinese and Hebrews, believed that evergreen trees symbolised eternal life. However, the most popular theory about Christmas trees relates to the 16th century in Germany, when reformer Martin Luther saw a breathtaking scene of twinkling stars among evergreen trees. Awed by their spectacular beauty, he decided to recreate the scene in his living room by putting up a tree and placing lit candles on each of its branches.
Yet, most Americans did not put up decorated trees as they believed it was an unholy practice. In fact, records state that in 1659, the General Court of Massachusetts passed a law, which stated that observing December 25 as anything other than a holy day would be an offence and those who hung decorations would be fined. All this changed in 1846 when the London News carried an illustrated sketch of Queen Victoria, Prince Albert and their children standing around a Christmas tree. Because Queen Victoria was so popular among her subjects, people soon began adopting the practice of putting up and decorating Christmas trees.
Popular Christmas Tree Decorations and Their Significance
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