Aashna Singh, Class 8, Mount Carmel School, Delhi
When that dreadful darkness came,
It glanced at the warmth and glow,
I can’t remember what happened next,
But everything went dead and cold
Daggers of ice,
Hearts of stone,
Too much hate in this dreary world
Oh, those screams of torment
They send a chill down my spine,
When hope fades away,
End of eternity and time
Daggers of ice,
Hearts of stone,
Bitter sufferings and all alone,
Oh, I try, and I try,
But that voice drowns me, lie by lie,
Courage and love are my best friends,
And I vanquish that voice this very day
Daggers of ice,
Hearts of stone,
Now ending this curse
The darkness is conquered,
Spread joy, hope, and love
Dance in the sunshine,
Feel that beautiful glow
Daggers of ice,
But hearts of hope,
Spread happiness in this world
January, 2025