Different Ends But The Same

Mandira Ghosh, Class 9, R.N. Podar School, Mumbai

Deep where a murmur resides,
Pain leaves its dingy allies.
As an ocean black with horrendous tides,
It draws its claws and marks with parasites.
Days pass with sorrowful sighs,
And wets our pillows with empty cries.
Forbid the gods our powers knelt,
It follows where the pain dealt.
It’s chapter never ends,
Always ready to have its variant trends.
Many but not all,
It grabs the people; short or tall.
Reddened eyes with a gush of rain,
Will I ever leave; thought the vile pain.
Does this leave us sane?
It does leave a stain.
Sharp with its knife it stabs,
Does it split us in a rehab with its tight slaps?
Pitiful tries always in vain,
Will I ever leave; thinks the crooked pain.
Died depressed, this poem intends,
But what about the short pain of friends?
Days pass with sorrowful sighs,
But then it halts and suddenly dies.
The bird chirps with glee,
When pain cries with plea.
Friends and foe,
Pain is different for all,
It’s a chapter after all,
Too long or short but never the end for all.
‘Prompt used- pain’

May, 2024

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