Scientists at the Nanjing Institute, China, have unearthed fossil remains of a metre-long sea scorpion.
Scientists at the Nanjing Institute, China, have unearthed fossil remains of a metre-long sea scorpion. They believe it would have ruled the Chinese seafloor over 400 million years ago during the Silurian period. The dog-sized scorpion named Terropterus xiushanensis is said to be 16 times longer than the scorpions commonly found today. These ancient sea scorpions may have been similar to the horseshoe crab and whip spider and may have had similar kinds of spiny attacking forelimbs. The ancient sea scorpions were considered to be the deadliest sea creatures and topped the predator list before sharks took their place.
Did You Know?
Adult scorpions have fluorescent chemicals in them, which causes them to glow under ultraviolet light.