Dogs Undergo DNA Tests 

To tackle the issue of dog poop on streets, authorities of an Italian province have made DNA tests for dogs compulsory.

February 16, 2024 

To tackle the issue of dog poop on streets, authorities of an Italian province have made DNA tests for dogs compulsory. Dog owners in Bolzano have been ordered to get their dog’s DNA tested so that the dog owners can be found and fined in case they haven’t cleaned up their dog’s litter from the streets. The DNA test results will be stored in a police database, which will make tracking dog owners easier. Owners who fail to clean up their dog’s mess will be fined between €292 (approximately ₹26,000) and €1,048 (approximately ₹93,500). The genetic information of around 40,000 dogs in the province was supposed to be registered in the database by the end of December 2023, but only a few owners have got their dogs tested. The test will be made mandatory in the region by the end of March. However, there is opposition against the law as according to the public, its execution and management will be a costly affair. 

Just like how humans are left- or right-handed, some dogs may be left- or right-pawed. 

ACTIVITY: Canine Classes

List any 5 breeds of Indian dogs.

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