Illustrated By: Riya Nagendra | Published By: HarperCollins Children’s Books | Recommended Age: 8+ years
Written by: Vibha Batra
Illustrated By: Riya Nagendra
‘Ghoul School’ is a delightful book that describes the journey of a 10-year-old ghost named Siliguri. The book describes his experience in a school for ghouls where he is learning to frighten humans. However, unlike other ghosts who wish to be dreadful and frightening when they grow up, Siliguri dreams of becoming an entertainer. Siliguri meets Kachori, a human ghostbuster, who tries to help him fulfil his dream. However, ghosts at the ghoul school are not allowed to befriend humans. Read the book to find out more about Siliguri and the challenges he faces. The book features many interesting characters with amusing names and even more amusing personalities.
Published By: HarperCollins Children’s Books | www.harpercollins.co.in
Recommended Age: 8+ years
Price: ₹250
Available on Amazon.in