
Ananta Pal, Class 4, The New Town School, Kolkata

A teacher presents the past, reveals the present and creates the future,” said Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan,
but for me, a teacher is the one who imparts knowledge and guides me through the path unknown. My first teachers are my parents who helped me take my first steps and are always there to guide me through my emotions and feelings. My grandparents with their bag of stories taught me life is simple, yet they taught me important morals like respect people around you no matter how old they are.

School teachers have always inspired and encouraged me to venture into the path unknown. With the COVID-19 pandemic, a new set of teachers taught me the most important life lesson—these are the security guards, cleaning staff and policemen. These people have effortlessly and selflessly kept us as their first priority and managed things efficiently. Never judge a book by its cover!

And last but not least are the health workers, who taught me the real meaning of being compassionate, empathetic and brave. I learnt that no matter how difficult the situation at hand seems, if we all come together, we can fight the unknown. Health workers have been our knights in shining armour.

Every person I meet teaches me something valuable for life.

Image for representational purposes

REFLECTION: Teachers Without Blackboards

List any 5 lessons you have learnt from animals.

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