3-year-old Sets Record for Identifying Vehicles

Hetansh Sampatkumar Somani, a three-year-old from Tamil Nadu, has set a record for identifying the maximum number of vehicles in one minute.

April 01, 2022 

Hetansh Sampatkumar Somani, a three-year-old from Tamil Nadu, has set a record for identifying the maximum number of vehicles in one minute. He identified 51 vehicles in one minute and received a certificate from the India Book of Records under the title, ‘Maximum Vehicles Identified in One Minute by a Toddler’. At the age of two years and 10 months, he had won appreciation for identifying the names of 32 fruits, counting numbers from one to 100 and reciting the alphabet (A to Z) along with 26 words, 10 spellings and seven days of the week.

Image Source: indiabookofrecords.in
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