How to Overcome Fear

Namita Menacherry, Class 11, National Institute of Open Schooling

Everyone is fearful of something or the other. In some cases, fear is good as it brings with it the survival instincts necessary to respond to situations. It alerts us of oncoming danger and prepares us to deal with it. But fear also prevents us from doing the things we enjoy. Having said that, life is all about overcoming fears and breaking down barriers. This requires diligence, determination and a strong mind. Let’s take a look at how we can overcome our fears. 

  • It’s Okay to Be Scared  
    The first step in overcoming fear is to realise and accept the fact that one is fearful of something. Everyone has fears, but not everyone has the guts to accept them. Accepting our fears enables us to use logic in the face of danger and think rationally instead of emotionally. 
  • Take One Step at a Time  
    Rome wasn’t built in a day. Taking small steps is the key to vanquishing nightmares. Being afraid of something is normal, but it is unnecessary to face all our monsters in one day! A small step forward each  day is the way to go. For example, talking about our fears openly with trusted individuals, family and friends is one of the best ways forward.
  • Journaling Is Good 
    Writing down the whole process of how one overcame a fear prevents the person from being discouraged a second time. Each time a person feels that the task that has been set before them is impossible, they should look through their journal and all the steps previously taken to reach the current position. This can motivate the person to achieve their next goal! 
  • Never Stop Believing in Yourself 
    The last but most important step in overcoming fear is to believe in one’s self and not let one’s terrors drag them down. In the face of danger, one should hold their head up high and be prepared to face everything that comes their way. Everyone has trouble facing their fears, but one should never let fears overpower their personality. After all, anything is possible, but only if one believes in one’s self! 

ACTIVITY: Cover It Your Way!

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