I Should Be Serious

Vedant Wankhade, Class 8, NV Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Shegaon

I should be serious, for exam
their is only one day.
I can’t wait
Now I have to study anyway.
Suddenly, a voice came from kitchen,
Dear it’s time for lunch.
After lunch when
I sit for study with bunch, there’s came a shout “brother please clear my doubt”.
As I completed a lesson, the bell rangs.
On the door their was my mother’s gang.
There was a kitty party
so much noise, dance and song.
After they had gone on the door their was my father’s buddy,
In this condition how can I study?
Then my elder sister came in my room,
saying she want my help for making a crown.
When I said no to her, tears flow from her eyes like a river.
Then a voice came from kitchen “Please dear”.
After I completed all their chores, then I again sat with bunch.
I am so angry, how to get rid from all of these?
For that I planned to go library.
As I stepped out, the lightening thunder storms shout.
Then because of rain, electricity had gone.
When it came, there is a dark night with a shining moon.
I quickly saw the clock, it was 10 PM.
I was so furious but there’s no use because it’s too late to be serious.

May, 2024

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