Importance of Maths

Jhanvi Shah, Class 5, Marble Arch School, Mumbai

Whether you love it of you hate it,
Maths is here to stay with.
In Maths, you can find out which numbers are prime,
Or how to figure out what is the time.
You get to learn how to multiply and divide,
And find the perimeter side by side.
Maths tells you whether a square is small or big,
It can help you find the weight of a pig.
In Math, you learn 6 – 3 is called subtraction,
And one-sixth is known as a fraction.
Maths can help you find how many ml is in your cup,
Or what is the age of your pup.
On the number line, there is one number that is a hero,
Surprisingly, it is zero.
So, whether you love it or hate it,
Maths is important and is always needed to be stayed with.

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