India Enhances Climate Goals 

On August 3, India enhanced its climate goals for 2030 by incorporating two promises made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Glasgow Conference in the UK last year.

September 01, 2022

On August 3, India enhanced its climate goals for 2030 by incorporating two promises made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Glasgow Conference in the UK last year. By 2030, India will try to reduce the emission intensity of its gross domestic product (GDP) by 45% from its 2005 levels. India also aims to reduce its fossil fuel consumption and create close to 50% of its total electric power using non-fossil fuel methods by 2030. Both these enhanced climate goals have been included in India’s revised Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) under the Paris Agreement.

Did You Know?
The four main goals of the Glasgow Conference were the expansion of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets, financing the energy transition of the poorest countries, reduction of methane emissions and organisation of the carbon market.

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