Indian-Australian Barrister Becomes Member of Australian Senate

Varun Ghosh, an Indian-Australian barrister, created history by becoming the first Indian-origin member of the Australian Senate.

March 01, 2024  

Varun Ghosh, an Indian-Australian barrister, created history by becoming the first Indian-origin member of the Australian Senate. Ghosh, who represents Western Australia, was chosen by the Labor Party to replace Senator Patrick Dodson. Ghosh is the son of Indian immigrants who moved to Australia in the 1980s. At 17 years of age, he became part of the Australian Labor Party. He acquired an honours degree in law and arts from the University of Western Australia and a master’s degree in law from the University of Cambridge in the UK. Ghosh has experience working as a barrister and has dealt with legal matters across various industries including construction, infrastructure and finance. 

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