It’s Never Late To Start Something New

Arnav Khandelwal, Class 7, Alwar Public School, Alwar

To err is human. We often slip up and make mistakes. All of us have our moments of weakness. We commit errors or careless acts which we live to regret later.

More than adults, such acts are more common, especially in young boys and girls. They drift airly without giving a thought to the future. It is during this period that they pick up bad habits. These habits could be anything from smoking to bunking classes or even eve-teasing. Such is the age that they do not realize their mistakes. Attempts by elders to correct them are taken as insults by them.

However, most of them realize their mistakes after some time. They understand that what they have been doing till now was a waste of time, energy and money. They become wiser and mend their ways. They correct themselves and begin in earnest to reform themselves. They begin by giving up bad company and bad habits. They start paying more attention to their future and their profession. Until and unless they do not commit any serious offence, society is always willing to give them a second chance.

It has happened to many of us. Those who have come back from the path of sin and self-pleasure very early in their lives are today much wise, more sensitive and better human beings. But those who have realized their mistakes late in their lives have much to regret. They are the ones who have their pursuit of pleasure just lost find sincere friendships and relationships. These people can once again try to restart their lives. However, it will remain doubtful that they may become happy and loyal citizens. This is because too much time has gone for them to be accepted once again as a useful member of society.

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