My Curiosity Almost Killed Me!

Shreyaan Pandey, Class 5, Navy Children School, Mumbai

November, 2023

I turned the eerie key in the lock. The ancient door creaked. Dust swirled around me. I gave the door a push and I found myself staring into a long hall. The air was thick and musty and the dim light struggled to penetrate the layers of accumalated filth.

As my eyes adjusted, I was fascinated by the sight before me. A grand hall streched out like a forgotten museum. Cobwebs streched cross the potraits. Sunbeams slipped through cracked glass windows, making rainbows on the floor. Curiosity pulled me forward, I bravely stepped inside, my footsteps echoing through the vacant long hall.

Determined, I took a deep breath and ventured further into the depths of the enchanting ancient hall. I walked in, there were many doors but I was not brave enough to open any of them. So I simply continued to go down the hallway. It appeared to be a large court, in the middle was a large throne gaurded by what used to be shiny armour but now was rusty and faded. Suddenly the walls, roof everything started cracking. I ran for my life. Just as I reached outside the door. The whole thing collapsed. My curiosity had almost killed me.

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