Advik Chinta Venkata, Class 3, PSBB School, Chennai
November, 2023
It was a cloudy day at PSBB School
I was waiting for the bell, sitting on a stool
Slowly and slowly the dark shadows gathered around
The rain God, I am sure, prepared his ground
At last, I heard the sound of the final bell
When stepped out, it started raining like hell
Behold there, hundred umbrellas blooming out
My friends dancing in the rain trying to get wet
Nice, my mom gave me a cute umbrella
Everyone thought who is this little fella
Opening it to the sky,
I jumped on the road
With my back full of books and box load
An umbrella can’t stop the rain drops
It will help you out of those blocks
A friend may not be there when you call
But, like an umbrella, he will protect you from fall!