My World

Doyel Trivedi, Class 10, Golden Era Academy, Jaipur

The people around me aren’t so sweet,
But the world itself is such a treat!
Don’t get why people creep about,
I want to smile and laugh and shout!
Don’t get how people are able,
To resist something so irresistible!
The world is vast and large and big,
And oh! I can forever dig,
Inside the secrets, thoughts and wonder,
Just how much still lies under,
Cover from me, and how much still,
Is left to find, which l surely will!
I can’t sit idle until it’s done,
Living in this world is just so fun!
The world is an endless ground,
With marvelous wonders all around.
Why people choose to be in gloom,
When curiosities burst and bloom!
Why do they live in much regret,
Of what they long ago didn’t get?
It’s a mystery still left to solve,
And it will be till the people evolve.
Such an intricate piece is a human!
Go as deep as you think you can,
But even deep beneath the ground,
There are layers to be found,
To decipher them with skill,
Is a gift, that l surely will!
Try to attain, as people tend,
To fascinate me till no end.

May, 2024

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