Nature – A Great Teacher

Malyadha .S, Class 6, Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School, Chennai

I gazed at the morning sky,
The darkness silently disappeared,
As the sun rose high,
Without speaking a word.
So is wisdom,
That quietly removes ignorance,
And brings in freedom,
In thought and action with elegance.
Then came a cool breeze,
Pleasant to feel;
Swaying the trees,
Bringing in joy and zeal.
If it were a tornado,
Utterly harsh,
Sudden, similar to an erupting volcano,
Where the hot lava pours with a rush.
Polite words are like cool breeze,
That gently blow,
Choose your words with care, please.
As, rude words are like the tornado.
At first what seemed to be mere nature,
Because we see them everyday,
At last turned out to be a great teacher,
However in its own way.

May, 2024

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