New Tech Subjects Introduced

New topics such as artificial intelligence, drone technology, e-governance and cryptocurrency have been introduced in Uttar Pradesh’s government schools by the Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Board.

July 01, 2023

New topics such as artificial intelligence (AI), drone technology, e-governance and cryptocurrency have been introduced in Uttar Pradesh’s government schools by the Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Board. These topics are part of the revised syllabus for students from classes 9 to 12. The revised syllabus is in line with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and is designed based on industry requirements. Under the revised syllabus, students of class 10 will learn about the prevention of cyber fraud and hacking, while students of class 9 will learn programming techniques. Coding languages like Java and Python will be part of the syllabus for students of class 11 and 12. 

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