Rare Compound Identified in ‘Mona Lisa’ Painting 

In a recent study conducted by British and French scientists, it was revealed that the artist Leonardo Da Vinci employed a unique technique in the creation of his renowned painting, the ‘Mona Lisa’.

November 16, 2023 

In a recent study conducted by British and French scientists, it was revealed that the artist Leonardo Da Vinci employed a unique technique in the creation of his renowned painting, the ‘Mona Lisa’. This technique involved the use of a rare compound known as plumbonacrite in the base layer of the painting. Plumbonacrite, a compound comprising oil and lead oxides, had previously been identified in artworks from the 17th century, particularly in works by artists like Rembrandt. However, this study marks the first discovery of plumbonacrite in artworks created earlier, possibly suggesting that Da Vinci pioneered this method. This technique has also been used in the mural, ‘The Last Supper’. 

Did You Know?
Leonardo Da Vinci could write and create art with both his hands. 

(L) Leonardo Da Vinci (R) Mona Lisa
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