Sent with Love

Saarakshi Tiwari, Class 11, Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar, Indore

July, 2023

A thousand storms might have collided
while my letter reaches to you
Millions of people would have died
while my complaint reaches to you
all of those blames that letter takes to itself
all those hands in which that piece of paper landed
tremble with the
confusion of whether open it or not ?
And maybe it has something which is confidential
It took an hour to write the letter
It took a month to reach you
it took forever to leave you
Again how the thousand storms might have collided
While I wrote it
thinking about you for a whole hour,
Guessing whether you are alright or not,
What should I write and what should I skip,
Will you even read it or just tear it and throw away
All the pain everyone took just to send that letter to you
Can you even guess
that the letter was
Sent with love
All the trains that price of paper travelled in
Collects all the love from around the world
How much love must it contain
that millions of hearts saw the words sent with love

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