Sr KG Student Enters International Book of Records

Nihir Godara, a Sr KG student at Billabong High International School, Mumbai, has been recognised by the International Book of Records for being the youngest person to recite periodic table elements while simultaneously solving the maximum addition sums of one digit.

October 16, 2023 

Nihir Godara, a Sr KG student at Billabong High International School, Mumbai, has been recognised by the International Book of Records for being the youngest person to recite periodic table elements while simultaneously solving the maximum addition sums of one digit. He achieved this feat at the age of five years and four months. He also won the ‘Super Talented Kid’ title by the International Book of Records for identifying flags of all the countries of the world. Additionally, Nihir holds the record for identifying the maximum types of sports through their pictures by a child. Nihir likes to learn new things and has a keen interest in space, science and geography. 

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