Super-Earth Discovered 

Astronomers at US’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have discovered a super-Earth located approximately 137 light years away from Earth.

March 01, 2024  

Astronomers at US’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have discovered a super-Earth located approximately 137 light years away from Earth. Called TOI-715b, this planet orbits a red dwarf and is located within its conservative habitable zone, indicating its ability to harbour life. The conservative habitable zone is the area surrounding a star that has factors that are favourable for the formation of liquid water on a planet. TOI-715b’s radius is around 1.5 times more than that of the Earth and its orbital period is only 19 days. According to astronomers, the system might also comprise another Earth-sized planet. 

Did You Know?
There are 1,682 super-Earths that have been discovered till date. 

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