Aadithya Ankathi, Class 8, Delhi Public School, Hyderabad
Have you ever wondered how the universe behaves on its grandest scales? Einstein’s theory of relativity answers questions about space, time, and gravity, revealing truths that feel like science fiction but are astonishingly real. It’s a cornerstone of modern physics that reshaped how we understand the cosmos.
Relativity comes in two parts: special and general. Special relativity, introduced in 1905, shows that time and space are not constant—they change depending on your speed. If you travel close to the speed of light, time slows down for you, a phenomenon called time dilation. It also introduced the famous equation E=mc², showing how mass and energy are interchangeable.
General relativity, introduced in 1915, explains gravity not as a force but as a bending of space and time by massive objects. This explains why planets orbit the Sun and why black holes have such strong gravity that not even light can escape. The bending of light by gravity, called gravitational lensing, allows us to see distant galaxies.
Relativity’s insights power everyday technologies like GPS, help scientists study black holes, and even probe the universe’s beginning. It’s a scientific marvel that continues to inspire discoveries about our vast and mysterious universe.
January, 2025