The Two Gifted Best Friends

Krishaa Jinwal, Class 4, Oakridge International School, Bachupally, Hyderabad


Once upon a time there were two tigers, they were both BEST FRIENDS, and every day they used to hang out at the ‘’the blue pond’’ near their house, the water was crystal clear and at winters it would freeze but was so ENCHANTING. Animals like frogs, rare fish, and even tiny, cute turtles, almost all
freshwater biome animals live there. Its special because so simple thing are MAGICAL, things like lotuses, tiny pearls, GLITTERING SAND, etc. One day one of the tigers named Leo told the other tiger. To go ‘’let’s go to our favorite POND we’ll have so much FUN!’’ ‘’OK, WHY NOT!’’ said Togo. When they got there, they saw something SHIMMERING ‘’WAIT…what is that shimmering?’’ said Togo, ‘’Should we go swim there…IM KINDA CURIOUS’’ said Leo, ’NO WAY I DON’T WANNA GET EATEN BY A SHARK OR SOMETHING! ’Said Togo, ‘’calm down Togo it’s all going to be just fine, and if anything goes wrong our trackers will BEEP the ones that QUEEN TITANIA gave us’’ said Leo, ‘’oh yeah totally forgot about that’’ said Togo, so both of jumped and made a BIG SPLASH.


When they got there, they saw a round golden ball, ‘’WAIT A MINUTE IS THAT ‘’THE ENCHANTED JHIN-HONG EGG!!’’said Leo the HISTORY nerd, ’awesome! It’s our LUCKY DAY!’’ SAID Togo, ‘’let’s crack- ‘’ before Leo could complete his sentence another TIGER came ‘’HI! My name is RUBY’’,’’ HI RUBY! I’m Leo’’ said Leo, ‘’HI! I’m Togo ‘’, nice meeting you, we literally found ‘’THE ENCHANTED JHIN-HONG EGG!’’ said Togo, ‘’awesome! And could we be friends?’’ said ruby, ‘’why not and lets open the egg together’ ’said Leo, so they all went to Leo’s house and cracked the egg open inside they saw a letter and two magical potion bottles one of them had the power to fly and the other one had the power to breath underwater both of them were labeled as Togo and Leo, ’what our names are on the potion bottles’’ said
Togo, ‘’Ugh! My name is supposed to be there not you both!’’ said ruby, ‘’what do you mean ruby?’’ said Leo ‘’Yeah and I only wanted to be friends is because I WANT ALL THE MAGIC IN FORSET OAK!’’ after being said ruby in a nick of time took the bottles and RAN VERY FAST ‘’NO! OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO THE GIFTS!!!’’ said Togo.


Thankfully, When Leo was going to the ENCHATNTED POND to get the egg to crack, Ruby told Togo her treehouse or her house so that they can study after SCHOOL, so basically helping each other in subjects. So BACK TO THE TOPIC…SO after telling Leo her address they finally made the plan… PLAN: Leo will sneakily climb the back ladder which is ALWAYS DOWN…A TINY BIT BUT yeah, back to To go who is going to distract Ruby and by the time…BOOM! TOGO and LEO will RUSH down fast with the potion bottles, and they will need JHONNY their BUDDY! To distract Elijah Ruby’s guard…somehow SO THAT’S THE BRILLIANT PLAN. YOU’RE GOING DOWN RUBY.


Finally, after so much planning (it goes longer than you think). Now they start the plan. So, JHONNY, TOGO, AND LEO are already at her treehouse (where tigers MOSTIY live in forest oak), Leo climbed up the treehouse and distracted Ruby (here goes) … ‘’hello ruby, I’m going to vomit by saying you name’’ said Leo, ‘’what do you want Leo brewer AND I’m not giving the potion bottles so BACK OFF LEO’ ’said ruby, ‘’Well TOO LATE’’ SAID LEO IN A HAPPY EVIL VIOCE, and all three toke off with their things, ‘’well that was an Adventure, a big adventure’’ said LEO, ‘’TRUE’’ SAID JHONNY ‘’So, what are we waiting for, Lets see what the potion dose oh and Jhonny thanks for helping’’ said TOGO, ‘’ anytime and you don’t need to pay me back, its fine’’ said JHONNY and all three happily went home with their things.


May, 2024

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