Two Sisters

Ishanvi Pandey, Class 6, Bal Bharti Public School, Ratnagiri

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful and intelligent girl named Isha. She lived with her sister, her mother, and father.

One day, their father went on a business trip to Mumbai. At 12 o’clock, they were having their lunch. When they finished eating, suddenly, Isha remembered that she and Disha were going to be late for the drawing contest. They saw some children wasting water, and just the day before, they had seen news that some people in Rajasthan were grappling with a scarcity of water. So, they got an idea to draw about this serious matter. They discussed it with each other and planned to raise awareness by their paintings. Isha called her mother and said, “Mom, we are going to be late for the drawing contest.” Her mother cuddled her and said, “Dear, do not be tense. You should be happy and have positive thoughts always; do not get anxious. You will be on time. Look at Disha, she always stays happy and never gets tense in any situation.” Then, her mother dressed them up, combed their hair, and packed their art materials. After this, Disha said, “Bye Mom, we will see you after the drawing contest.” Saying this, they went to the drawing contest. After walking 5 miles, they finally reached the area where the judges were distributing the papers. They took their seats.

After distributing the papers, the judges said, “Listen everyone, you will have 30 minutes to create your masterpieces. The time starts now.” After this announcement, all the participants started to create their masterpieces. Disha drew a portrait of a girl sitting under the tree’s shadow, and Isha drew about the threats (global warming) that the whole world was facing. After all the participants had finished their masterpieces, the judges said, “Alright everyone, it’s time to hand in your masterpieces.” After saying that, the judges started collecting the masterpieces made by all the participants. After collecting the masterpieces, they examined them one by one.

When they saw Isha’s drawing, they were amazed by the threats that the whole world was facing. A few days passed, and the results were about to be announced. At that time, Isha and Disha’s father returned from his business trip. The judges invited the parents of all the participants, and they also invited Isha and Disha’s mother and father for the prize distribution. The judges gave Isha the first prize and Disha the second prize. After the results were declared, Isha and Disha’s mother and father were so proud of their children and said, “We should work hard and never give up on our dreams.”

May, 2024

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