What is a Dot

Krisha Bang, Class 10, Hill Spring International School, Mumbai

That blinking dot from leagues away
Hues of carmine, rust, tangerine
On the raven sheets of the night it makes me sway
As I finally tumble into a passable dream
That dot on the ivory white page
Makes my heart clench with bottled feels
But the invisible bars of the invisible cage
Trap the endless chasm of possibilities.
That dot, that speck in my eye I sough
Lets me see the fragmented reality
My third eye covered with the big red dot
That contains all the knowledge of how it all came to be
But when I zoom in from galaxies beyond
To our tiny fragile ball of life
To the microscopic dots that litter our world
At a subatomic scale, the dots so bright
The truth is out, it was never a dot
A circle so small, one never realised
It always ends where it begins
Always gives me the power to fight
I start at one point, move to another
The dots that form it help me decide
I focus all my energy on going around
I can finally observe my mind.

May, 2024

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