Illustrated By: Jules Faber | Published By: Scholastic | Recommended Age: 7+ years
Written By: Anh Do
Illustrated By: Jules Faber
‘WeirDo’ is the first book in a series of books by the same name. The series revolves around the life and (mis)adventures of a character named Weir. He has a strange last name—Do, which makes him Weir Do (read it together—Weirdo!). Along with an unforgettable name, he also has a crazy family and some seriously weird habits. The book follows Weir Do’s first day at school and how he and his friends navigate the trials of elementary school. It is presented as a graphic novel, making it easy to read, and is sure to have you rolling on the floor with laughter.
Published By: Scholastic | www.scholastic.co.in
Recommended Age: 7+ years
Price: ₹299
Available on Amazon.in