Age of Sand Dune Calculated 

Scientists have found out the age of Lala Lallia, one of the largest sand dunes on Earth.

April 01, 2024 

Scientists have found out the age of Lala Lallia, one of the largest sand dunes on Earth. Pyramid dunes, also called star dunes, are created when winds blow from different directions and huge amounts of sand accumulate. Previously, scientists were unable to determine when these sand dunes were formed. However, in a recent study, scientists used luminescence dating, a method that determines the age of sand grains by computing their last exposure to daylight, to find the age of Morocco’s Lala Lallia. The study found that the star dune is 13,000 years old and that its growth paused after its initial development. The dune then expanded at a rapid pace in the past few millennia. 

The Lala Lallia star dune is around 328ft high. 

Image for representational purposes
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