BMW Introduces Colour-changing Car

The BMW group of luxury vehicles has introduced a new feature—owners can change the colour of their car with the touch of a button.

February 01, 2022

The BMW group of luxury vehicles has introduced a new feature—owners can change the colour of their car with the touch of a button. The company unveiled a concept vehicle called the BMW iX Flow, which uses electrophoretic technology to change its colour from black to white or a combination of black and white in a kaleidoscope of graphics across the surface of its body.

The change in colour from dark to light will help those driving in hot temperatures as the efficiency and thermal regulation inside the vehicle will be better. BMW developed the application along with an e-ink company that uses technology already being used in the Kindle e-book reader. The application of e-ink works via a wrap that covers the body of the car. The wrap contains different colour pigments that, when stimulated, rise to the surface causing a change in colour.

Did You Know?
In 2020, an estimated 1,52,971 passenger cars were produced every day around the world.

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