Deadly Heat Waves Likely in Tropics

Even if countries manage to meet the Paris global climate agreement goal of limiting temperature rise to less than 2°C above preindustrial levels, people inhabiting the tropics could experience deadly heat waves for half the year by 2100.

October 01, 2022

Even if countries manage to meet the Paris global climate agreement goal of limiting temperature rise to less than 2°C above preindustrial levels, people inhabiting the tropics could experience deadly heat waves for half the year by 2100. Climate change has already caused severe heat waves across the world, affecting agriculture, humans and wildlife. According to scientists, India and sub-Saharan Africa would be most at risk.

Did You Know?
Fluorinated gases, produced by human activities, trap more heat as compared to carbon dioxide and can linger in the atmosphere for hundreds of years.

REFLECTION: Tropical Paradise

List any 5 countries that lie on the tropics.

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