Vizzmaya Jalal, Class 6, St. Francis ICSE School, Mumbai
Like tea leaves that are cut, turned and curled
To make refreshing black tea,
In a similar way, words are smartly processed
To create every kind of poetry.
Just as different veggies and spices come together
Along with positive energy to make a delicious curry,
In the same fashion, thoughts, ideas and experiences
Are cooked with love to form rich poetry.
Every department in an office has a role to play,
In order to maintain the balance and glory;
In literature too, words are carefully chosen and wisely appointed
In the elite department called poetry.
With the power to make us cry
As well as to put a smile on our faces,
Turning on our brain gym to figure out the hidden meanings,
Poems can instantly reach out and awaken people in different places.
Everyone is a poet;
Some may write, others may not;
Poetry is a story wearing a veil of rhymes
Or sometimes just prose with emotions that we forgot.
Let us celebrate every rhyme, haiku, sonnet and ode
Along with their siblings who speak to our hearts;
Sprinkle some poetry in your life
And get enveloped in the magic of literary arts.