Indian Street
Indian Street
My pink little paws contrast against the rough dark street
Thus a pup is born, a melody sweet
My soft little nose stubs against the road
Mum says I am tiny like a pea in a pod
She licks me clean, I soak in her warmth
In my small world, love is the norm
And for a while now, I believed that everything would be amazing
To see the world are my eyes craving
One day again, the sun’s rays come to tickle me awake
For now I could see, my eyes a weird strain
On that melancholy day, I realise I am not in heaven but hell
Down from the big blue sky rain fell
I felt cold, shivering in conditions extreme
My mom was still nowhere to be seen
Oh god, isn’t it cruel to put a pup in such misery unforseen?
I crawl slowly, felt I could walk, I whine for my mom,
I dine on the cold
I am all alone on the street,
tumble between the large unforgiving human feet
All of the humans look at me with scorn
Their unforgiving kicks and stares prick me like thorns
I move to see my mom run down, trodden off in the big dark town
Down is she run down by these cruel human born
My heart aches, my tears don’t speak, for I am a mere pup on the Indian street
Cruelty at its peak
Oh you humans, what do you see in me ? Another pup to hurt ? some more fun to seek
Oh you humans, don’t you notice my starving body, my soul hurts too
I only beg for love, the road
I walk on blisters my paws
Your shoo always cut me like sharp rigged saws
Oh, you humans, why do you seek my soul to beat
Life is tough on the Indian street.