Letter from the Editor: March 01, 2024

Sometimes, a negative comment from someone might affect your mood. You may feel stressed, angry or overwhelmed for a short while or you may feel like your entire day is ruined.

A negative comment may trigger many emotions. At such times, it is important to acknowledge your feelings and take care of how you respond. 

Learning to cope with your emotions will help you feel better and equip you to deal with other issues later on in life. When someone has said something hurtful or mean to you, you need to remember that you do not have control over another person’s words or actions but only over your own reaction or response to them. 

  • Firstly, you should try to recognise how you feel. You may be disappointed, sad, angry or a mix of many emotions. Remember that it is okay to feel your feelings. You need to give yourself time to process your emotions. 
  • Share your feelings with a parent or a trusted adult. Sharing your feelings will make you calm. An adult may be able to offer you advice and help if required. 
  • Keep in mind that another person’s words or actions do not define your worth. You are more than someone’s comment or opinion. You should focus on your talents, strengths, positive qualities and achievements. A person’s negativity is very often an indication of their own insecurities and unhappiness. 
  • Talk to yourself positively and remind yourself of all the people who care about you. Try to be optimistic and grateful for your talents, your accomplishments and your loved ones with whom you share the little things in life. 
  • Engage in an activity that makes you happy and relaxed like taking a walk, painting, journalling, dancing or playing a sport. These activities will serve as a healthy outlet for your feelings. 

There are 86,400 seconds in a day. Should one’s day be ruined by a few seconds of someone else’s negativity?

Tell us how you handle trying moments. We will print a few of your responses in an upcoming issue. You can e-mail us on reporter@ robinage.com 

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