Aadwik Sharma, Class 3, Learning Paths School, Mohali
We live as a family throughout the years,
Every day we may have happy or sad tears.
Some families are big, some families are small,
Every family is different, but we love them all.
I have a family of five members,
For caring is Mom;
For protection is Dad;
For activities Dadu;
For love is Dadi;
And for fun is Aadi.
God made us a happy family
And my happy family corrects my mistakes like the app Grammarly.
Tomorrow we could be doctors, engineers or film stars,
We may have big houses or big cars;
We may have many other things to boast;
But our families should matter to us the most.
Dear all, remember life is not so good for everyone,
If you go out; you will see families on the streets,
They also are our brothers and sisters,
Give respect to them and share with them your candies and treats.
Let us all pray to god,
Shower his blessings and kindness to all.
August, 2023