The Scary Night

Hamza Ahmed, Class 7, Jayshree Periwal High School, Jaipur

July, 2023

The night was scary
I was eating my berry
Then someone appeared in front of me
It was my friend Jerry
He was running so fast like at his home there was a blast
Then I saw someone was chasing him
I was not able to see it because the moonlight was dim
I went in front of him to save Jerry
He didn’t had a face , he looked very scary
I thought of my future and forgot my past
Than I had to run very fast
I yelled for help, then some people got up and we chased the no face man
But by mistake He stepped on a coke can
Then we took him to the police station and the police took of his mask
And it was my friend Mark
Then we heared a bark
It was a dog
Then Jerry told us that “we were just playing but then this dog chased us”
Then the people said that “that means that for no reason you awaked us”
Then something arrived and it was my school bus
I was very sleepy I didn’t slept the whole night and my eyes were red
Now I just wanted to sleep on my bed

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