Nature has mesmerizing greenery and chirpy birds
Whose euphonious sounds cannot be left unheard
It provides living beings with efficacious items
Which never let the paramount needs of human frightens
It carries unfathomable uses and breathtaking charm
This hearty environment can never provide any harm
The bracing wind and stentorian silence
Can even enhance the mind’s magnificence
Captivating scenarios and enchanting surrounding
Glowy raindrops and rainbow make it more enthralling
Enticing colors of pulchritudinous flowers
Whose impressive scent can embellish the bowers
It produces succulent fruits with a luscious tangy taste
Whose meritoriousness can never be debased
Bewitching tears of bluish-grey cloud
Its mellifluous sound is very loud
The viridescent greenery over quagmire land
Its panoramic scenery is unequivocally grand
It provides painstakingly introduced pristine oxygen air
Without it human’s livelihood will not be there
The environment provides us with prophylactic medicine
Its utilization value is far better than any biomedicine
Aromatic fragrance of different kinds of soils
It can grow a prepossessing plant when it broils
Melodious relaxing tune of the precious source
Tumbling from a waterfall around the gorse
The conspicuous sight people see over the apex of a mountain
They can also see a flabbergasting humongous water fountain
A gleaming ray of scintillating sunshine
Can enlighten a sanctified shrine
Plants like Cactus grow in an ammophilous sand
They can only be augmented on a desert’s land
Nature consists of particolored insects
Each of them serves different prospects
The meanderings of a noteworthy ocean
Which exquisitely moves in a slow motion
The stones start stumbling when a river flow
How drop-dead gorgeous it would be around a meadow!
The waggling wings of an entrancing butterfly
Can take someone’s breath away when it beautifies
So many lovely seasons – Spring, winter and summer
How awe-inspiring characteristics they have sometimes I wonder!
The wet gravels crunch over a waterlogged land
While the snowy balls fall in a marvelous gigantic Greenland
How gobsmacking it would be!
If someone gets a commodious house around a beach’s tree
How nonplussed it would be!
If someone get to live on a mountain among fabulous lea
How exhilarating and influential this nature is!
Many punctilious concepts is what we can analyze
Leaf can replace another one when it fall
People can likely be gracious when they befall
This heavenly peaceful nature carries a really impressive thing
Because most of these tranquil places are delightful in spring
Nature lets us increase our assiduousness toward activities
Whether it’s reading a book or celebrating the festivities
The fluttering of ravishing dolphins and fishes
Listening to its canorous sound is one of the wishes
We should not act execrable with this alluring biodiverse
Otherwise, it can anytime transform into a bemoaning curse