City as Lab (CaL) is India’s only platform for schoolchildren to conduct original enquiry projects about their own cities – via Project-Based Learning.
City as Lab (CaL) was founded on the belief that every child’s voice is important. It completes a decade this year! Over the last 10 years, CaL has worked with 80 schools nationwide.
It offers 6 different project types for students to choose from – Story, Photography, Coding, Maker, Research and Service Projects.
Every project begins with a driving question relevant to students’ lives. Students then work in teams, with assistance from their teachers and CaL mentors. They collect data, conduct surveys, take photographs, write stories and design solutions.
Finally, students submit completed projects for review and selection. Students whose projects are selected present at the Annual CaL Conference, in front of a distinguished panel comprising industry and academic experts.
Over the past 10 years, CaL has received 460+ projects with participation from almost 2,000 students.
It feels strongly committed to its mission of facilitating high-quality, project-based, authentic learning experiences using cities as vibrant learning spaces to foster engagement with one’s immediate community.
Registration for AY 23-24 is ongoing. Click here to register!