Lets Together Retain the Lands Beauty

Hitansh Shah, Class 7, Children’s Academy Group of Schools, Malad

Land equally belongs to both you and me.
Therefore our duty is to keep it mess free.
Life on land is beautiful and worthy,
Only if we retain it’s beauty.
With the land we should act friendly,
We should do all developments carefully.
It’s important for us to protect every piece of land,
As life without nature is completely bland.
Nature has equally divided the land amongst all,
We have no right to destroy it at all.
Follow the rule of 3 R’s,
And spread the rule in places far.
Recycle, Reduce and Reuse,
Conserve the fossil fuels for the future generation to use.
Let’s put hand on hand
And take an oath to preserve the land.
Let the forests expand,
So that every life on earth can belong to it’s land.
Life and land is the best partnership,
So let it dwell into each other very deep.

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