My Magical Trip To Disney Land

Diya Niranjini, Class 5, Pincushion Montessori International School, Vellore

One sunny morning at Charlotte, when I was two, we planned going on a trip to Disney Land. I had no idea about this place but luckily my cousin sister Riya told me everything I had to know about this place.

The next morning, we started our adventurous trip to Florida. I kept asking, “Are we there yet?” After a long journey, we reached Florida. Since it was almost night, we stayed at a hotel.

I was the first one to wake up because I was so excited. When we went down to eat breakfast, we were able to make our own waffles. So, Riya and I made our own waffles and it was so much fun.
After we finished our yummy breakfast, we hurried up because it is now the time to go to Disney land.

The parking lot was innovative. There were two groups called Heroes and Villains with many disney characters’ pictures. Now that’s a nice way to remember where you parked your car.

Then a tram came in front of us and we all hopped in. I was wondering where it was taking us. In 5 minutes it paused in front of an enormous ferry. I was wondering where disney land was, because we just went on a tram and a ferry. So I thought to myself “Is it just travelling? First our car, then a tram and then a ferry. When will I see the magical land?” I just waited patiently and we reached the land of magic.
There were many fun things to do there. First we visited the princesses’. I got their autographs and hugged them for pictures.

I was so happy when I saw the parade. All the disney characters danced together and all visitors were allowed to dance too ! I danced with Pluto and that was truly magical.
There were plenty of shops with varieties of disney themed items. Ofcourse they were expensive, but I liked looking at them. My aunt got me and Riya a souvenir magnets and keychains.

I was hungry and felt like having some snacks. We went to a restaurant and gulped some mouth watering food. I was amazed to see that every little thing was ‘Disney’ themed. They also had many rides that were perfect for kids and I can’t forget the haunted house ride, which is one of my favorites.

Finally after we were done trying everything, we saw an exquisite glow from the castle. Riya told that was the light show. Fire works lit up the night sky and it was totally amazing.

Disney land is not like any other theme park. It is truly a magical place because it made me feel like a real princess !

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