Veruschka Pandey, Class 8, The International School Bangalore (TISB), Bengaluru
I run away in anger because of my mother’s scolding
I walk on the streets to pacify myself, but her words still sting
Walking on the road with tears all over my eyes,
Walking with my little problem, while my inner soul dies
On the road, I spot a little girl
Her eyes as beautiful as pearls
But her clothes were ragged and tattered
What a contrasting scene, it was almost absurd!
She was on the streets, singing desperately for money
But while she sang, she was smiling pleasantly and looked sunnny
She had a bright smile because she had no tears left to cry
She had no money, so she sang mellifluously and tried
Then I looked at myself up and down
I looked at that girl who had nothing but didn’t frown
I looked at that girl who had nothing but had talent and happiness
And those are the most important things, I have to confess
Poverty is imposed and the worst crime
Imagine that you didn’t do a sin, but are disrespected and don’t even receive a dime
Imagine that just because of your birth, you have to beg and do hard work on the streets
Imagine a life without a house, respect, gifts and treats
We humans have become so spineless that we judge people on money!
Money is just a bunch of paper used to fill our self-pride and greed
I lend my hand to the girl and gave her 100 rupees
She cried of happiness and hugged me on her knees
What is true joy and happiness?
It is giving the ones that have less
The best thing in the world is to light up someone’s day
“If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also lighten your path.” as many say…